09 November 2007

Which state is skinniest?

Congratulations to our neighbors to the southwest (Arizona, for the geographically challenged) on being the 9th skinniest state in the USA, according to the Trust for America's Health (data from the CDC).

Of course, the skinniest state of them all is...guess who?

C'mon, AZ, if everybody there loses a kilogram, you can leapfrog over Utah, Montana, Rhode Island, Connecticut, Hawai'i, Vermont, and Massachusetts, and rank second!!

(I posted this because obesity is an inflammatory condition, right?)

Trust for America's Health site


ZoeC495 said...

Show offs!! : )
Actually yes, obesity has an inflammatory component (Trends in Immunology, 2004;25:4-7)...so is diabetes and the metabolic syndrome (pre-diabetes)...and that's Arizona's problem, we have a high level of diabetes (type 2)-where CO has about 4-6% of the population with type 2 diabetes, AZ has 8-10%. In fact, the Pima Indian population has over a 90% rate of type 2 diabetes (and obesity). This may be due to a "thrifty" gene in these populations which stores more fat.


TeriH7630 said...

Ah Dr. C...more ammunition to cut daily energy intake by only 100kcals (even in Colorado...the percentage of obese persons continues to rise). Jim Hill, PhD, et al at our very own Center for Human Nutrition assert that on a public health level, reducing daily calories by only 100 cals (i.e., drink a diet soda instead of 'regular)will HALT the obesity epidemic (1)(inflammation aside).

But the other Dr. Cohen is right...the Pimas give AZ a bad wrap when it comes to obesity and diabetes risk. TLH
1) Hill, JO. 2006. Understanding and addressing the epidemic of obesity: An energy balance perspective. Endocrine Reviews, 27(7):750.

DavidM495 said...

Excluding the Pima Indians, I am curious to see where we would stack up on that list

DesireeL495 said...
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DesireeL495 said...

Well I guess being the 9nth skinnest is better than being the 9nth fattest! I hope one day we will be number one but with Phoenix growing so rapidly, I think it might be a bit hard. I probably think if we excluded the Pima Indians we would be a little bit higher on the list.