Inflammation has been implicated in tumor promotion and progression in a number of cancers. In many cases, tumorigenesis has been linked to chronic infection. For instance, HBV or HCV infection has been shown to be a major risk factor for hepatocellular carcinoma. Nuclear Factor kappaB (NF-κB) is known to play a key role in the response to infectious agents by stimulating the immune response through regulation of pro-inflammatory cytokine genes. In addition, NF-κB has been shown to regulate many genes that are implicated in cancer. Some of these genes include cell-cycle regulators, genes involved in apoptosis, and proteases which have been shown to increase metastases.
In prostate tumorigenesis, NF-κB has been shown to induce secretion of IL-1 from infiltrating macrophages. In prostate cells, IL-1 causes the conversion of androgen antagonists to agonists. Increased androgen activity in the prostate has been shown to promote tumor formation.
NF-B has also been shown to inhibit tumor progression in females. Kupffer cells (a type of macrophage) present in response to cellular damage in the liver, release IL-6 which acts as a pro-growth and inflammation signal in neighboring cells. Prolonged exposure to IL-6 in the liver has been correlated with cancer formation. In Kupffer cells, estrogen acts as a suppressor of IL-6 by activating NF-
B which then down-regulates this cytokine. Therefore, pre-menopausal women that produce a fair amount of estrogen have a much lower risk of developing hepatocellular carcinoma. NF-
B activation has also been shown to have antiapoptotic effects in gastric cancer cells, though the mechanism is not so clear.
NF-B can be expressed in just about every cell type and can be activated by a number of pathways. Each pathway has the ability to cause NF-κB to target different subsets of genes. The ability of different signals to induce NF-κB targeting toward pro-cancerous or anti-cancerous genes is an interesting observation and should be considered when therapeutics are designed. Most NF-κB related therapies which are currently in clinical trials, aim to inhibit its regulation, which could have profound effects on the recipients immune system. Instead of inhibiting NF-κB, should we instead try to change its targets from less favorable to more positive ones? One example is the ability of estrogen receptor (ER) to target genes through NF-κB. Estrogen receptor normally activates or represses genes by binding directly to target genes that contain estrogen response elements. When ER binds certain ligands, it can also bind to and activate NF-κB, which leads to activation of NF-κB target genes. Estrogens are thought to elicit some of their pro-inflammatory effects in this way. Is it possible that, if exploited, this ER-NF-κB interaction can lead to an overall positive outlook for cancer patients? Can some other pathway that leads to NF-κB activation give a positive outlook? Since NF-κB controls so many genes (good or bad depending on context), should it even be considered as a target for therapy?
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2. Cancer: an infernal triangle. Alberto Mantovani. Nature 448, 547 - 548 (2007).
3. Nuclear factor-B in cancer development and progression. Michael Karin1. Nature 441, 431-436 (25 May 2006) | doi:10.1038/nature04870; Published online 24 May 2006.
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5. Nuclear factor kB as a target for new drug development in myeloid malignancies. Cilloni D, Martinelli G, Messa F, Baccarani M, Saglio G. Haematologica. 2007 Sep;92(9):1224-9. Epub 2007 Aug 1.
RamonW7630...great paper. It's amazing how since I've been in this class, I notice all kinds of applications to the immune system in papers I read. These applications also come up in lectures pretty consistently. Your paper is a great example of how NF-kB can be applied to another, potentially positive, mechanism in disease. This reminds me of the class discussion the other day of how Th2 might be a positive target in amelioration of Type II immunopathology. Just the other day, I was appreciating the potential role of NF-kB in cellular mechanisms of insulin resistance (1). If NF-kB is in fact responsible for inflammatory pathways that lead to abberencies in biochemical pathways that underlie insulin resistance, I wonder if it might also be a target for therapy. As in your application to tumorigenesis, perhaps NF-kB can be a target in other disease processes that may benefit from reduced inflammation? Most interesting musings. TLH
1) Barbour, LA, et al (2007) Cellular mechanisms for insulin resistance in normal pregnancy and gestational diabetes. Diabetes Care, 30(2), S112.
Ramon and Teri,
Interesting discussion - the NF-kB pathway is incredibly interesting. In the journal Science way back in 1994, it was demonstrated that salicylates and sodium salicylates inhibited the action of the NF-kB (Kopp E, Ghosh S. Science. 1994 Aug 12;265(5174):956-9) This was something incredibly interesting in the historical context. It was noticed that high doses of these drugs improved blood glucose levels in diabetic patients clear back to the 1800's, and finally we had some evidence of mechanisms for the first time. However, no variations in the NF-kB pathway genes have been associated with increased risk of diabetes in the Genome Wide Association literature.
I'm wondering whether or not the NF-KB activity implicated in chronic inflammation that predisposes to cancer is seen mostly as a p65/p50 heterodimer of NF-KB or a p65/p65 homodimer? Also, in the prostate tumorigenesis that you mentioned where the ER can couple with NF-KB to activate gene transcription, do you think NF-KB or ER is a better target for therapy? Both are implicated in tons of pathways and regulate tons of genes? Excellent blog, Ray.
Hmm...this doesn't directly answer jennyp's question, but overexpressing RelA (p65) or constituitively active IKK2 (which inhibits the translocation inhibition of p50/p65) have both been shown to be sufficient for the generation of spontaneous lung tumors.
Mathew, B. et al., Am. J. Respir. Cell Mol. Biol., 36: 562-572. 2007.
But I don't know if p65/p65 or p65/p50 is more highly expressed in epithelial tumors.
ScottS7630...That is very neat history! If I were completely idealistic I might even begin to think of salicylates as being more important in diabetes therapy than is currently emphasized? I have never heard of the glucose data you mentioned. I wonder...were those people with T1DM, or T2DM? I noticed that in an old paper I read earlier this semester (1940's), the patient must have had Type 2 diabetes (instead of T1DM) judging from the clinical course described. Back then I am not sure if they differentiated the 2 diseases. Neat blog...TLH
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