29 April 2008

Reduce LDL with a low carb diet?

In this weeks lay article, "The Great Diet Debate" two Dr's debated over The South Beach Heart Program. Dr. Agatston, the author of the book, claims this program will detect, prevent, and even reverse heart disease although a study showed this diet did not lower LDL cholesterol levels. Dr. Agatston also prescribes his patients drugs to lower their LDL cholesterol instead of advising them to eat less fat and exercise.
I think putting people on a low carb diet to help treat and prevent heart disease is, well, stupid. The south beach diet may help people with short-term weight loss which in turn can reduce the risk of heart disease, but this diet includes meats high in fat which are not the most heart-healthy foods. As stated in a previous blog, this issue goes back to the overall theme of the class: EAT HEALTHY AND EXERCISE. As Dr. Ornish stated in the article, diets that include omega-3 fatty acids can dramatically decrease cardiac events and reduce inflammation. So, eat less trans and saturated fats, eat more omega-3, and exercise!

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