28 April 2008

Anti-Inflammatory Foods

A major cause of inflammation in our bodies is the food we eat. Inflammation can be aggravated by diets high in refined or hydrogenated vegetable oils such as those found in margarines, potato chips and baked goods and by diets high in sugars. Food can also be part of the solution to inflammation; anti-inflammatory foods, if eaten regularly, can reduce inflammation in the body.

Vegetables: Bell Peppers, Bok Choy, Broccoli, Broccoli Sprouts, Brussels Sprouts, Cabbage, Cauliflower, Chard Collards, Fennel Bulb, Garlic, Green Beans, Green Onions/Spring Onions, Kale, Leeks, Olives, Spinach, Sweet potatoes, Turnip, Greens

Oils: Avocado Oil, Extra Virgin Olive Oil

Drinks: Green Tea

Herbs & Spices: Basil, Cayenne Peppers/Chili Peppers, Cinnamon Cloves, Cocoa (at least 70% cocoa chocolate), Licorice, Mint, Oregano, Parsley, Rosemary, Thyme, Turmeric

Fruits: Acerola (West Indian) Cherries, Apples, Avocados, Black Currants,
Blueberries, Fresh Pineapple, Guavas, Kiwifruit, Kumquats, Lemons, Limes, Mulberries, Oranges, Papaya, Raspberries, Rhubarb, Strawberries, Tomatoes

Nuts & Seeds: Almonds, Flaxseed/Linseed, Hazelnuts, Sunflower Seeds, Walnuts

Fish: Cod, Halibut, Herring, Oysters, Rainbow Trout, Salmon, Sardines, Snapper Fish, Striped Bass, Tuna, Whitefish

List of Anti-inflammatory Foods from: http://www.metabolismadvice.com/


VanD495 said...

What a helpful list of fruits, vegetables, and herbs! It's nice to know that things that we've mentioned that act as anti-inflammatories are on this list--i.e., turmeric, apples, flaxseed, fish, and other sources of omega-3-fatty acids.

BrookeJ said...

Thanks for listing the anti-inflammatory foods. It was very helpful when I went to the grocery store. Were there specific foods that accentuated inflammation though? I think it would be good to know what to stay away from as well.

Etorda B. said...

Thanks Ashley for the hotlink to that website. It was nice to find new "good for you" foods to add to my family's diet. Good information.

Have a great summer!!!!