09 April 2008

Drink Apple Juice Now Before You Forget

I found this article of a study done.  It says that eating aple related product could help with memory loss and alzheimer like symptoms.

Here the link to it


For other neurological degenerative news here's another link



LaurenT495 said...

Cool post. It got me thinking if other foods could have similar effects, since many fruits and vegetables are said to have antioxidants. I came across this article about strawberries. It's very similar to your article. The study found that a flavonoid in strawberries called fistein is an antioxidant and showed to help improve memory and protect mice brains from AD.

The article stated, "Fistein can also be found in tomatoes, onions, apples, oranges, grapes, peaches, persimmons and kiwifruit."

Maybe fistein is the "something in apples" that your article mentioned.

The article also had a neat quote at the end about nature producing great medicines and charging no patent fees or requiring a Rx.

So keep eating those fruits & veggies!


MariaO495 said...

Here is another nutrition fact about omega-3 fatty acids.

According to Dr. Andrew Weil, director of the Program in Integrative Medicine at the UA, omega-3 fats are substrates of hormones that down-regulate inflammation.

Researchers at the Karolinska Institute of Stockholm, Sweden believe Omega-3 fatty acid may provide benefits for early stages of AD. They studied the effects of supplements containing omega-3s in 174 people with mild to moderate AD. For six months, 89 subjects with early stages of Alzheimer's took omega-3 supplements while the other 85 took a look-a-like placebo pill. Both groups took omega-3 pills for an additional six months. The pills contained two key type of omega-3s believed to benefit the heart and potentially the brain, DHA, EPA. Both are thought to have disease-fighting effects but the pill used in the study had higher concentration of DHA.

After six months they found no difference in the rate of memory loss between both groups. However, a small subgroup of 32 men and women who were at the very early stages of Alzheimer's at the beginning of the study did benefit from the omega-3s. The individuals taking omega-3s experienced less mental decline than the ones taking placebo. And the individuals who took placebo and showed mild memory problems during the first six months period showed less mental decline during the latter six-month phase of the study.

Researchers believe that DHA and EPA in omega-3s may control inflammation. The mechanisms of how omega-3 fatty acids could interfere in Alzheimer's in not clearly understood.

Population studies suggest that people who consume fish (salmon and mackerel, have lower rates of heart disease and AD. Other studies suggest that the anti-inflammatory properties of omega-3s and fish oils may be effective during the early stages of AD.

Also, research has shown that the anti-inflammatory effects of omega-3 are exerted through a wide variety of metabolic pathways that affect some pro-inflammatory factors linked to cardiovascular disease. For instance, anti-inflammatory mediators such as E-series resolvins are formed from EPA in the presence of aspirin. D-series resolving, docosatrienes and neuroprotectins are DHA-derived anti-inflammatory mediators.

Also, according to Dr. Perricone’s, cell culture studies show that EPA prevents activation of NFκB, which suggests that omega-3s reduce expression of inflammatory genes. Omega-3s also exert anti-inflammatory effects by blocking arachidonic acid (a pro-inflammatory FA) metabolism and they also generate a broad variety of anti-inflammatory mediators.

I found these articles very informative. It was interesting to learn about the effect of omega-3 fatty acids in AD.

So make sure you eat more apples, flavonoids, and don’t forget your omega-3s.

Omega-3s, the Fats in Fish Oils, May Benefit Very Mild Alzheimer’s Disease

Inflammation, Disease, and Omega-3s
Research drives new medical paradigm and prioritizes omega-3 for prevention
by Randy Hartnell and Craig Weatherby

VanD495 said...

I read this article on USA Weekend, and it said that apples can even help you breathe better, prevent strokes, heart attacks, and cancer. Antioxidants such as procyanidins are found in "good but please consume in moderation" wines and chocolate. Be aware that the antioxidants are more concentrated in the skin of the apple!

Website: http://www.usaweekend.com/00_issues/001112/001112eatsmart.html

VanD495 said...

For those who are unable to see my previous link:
Apple Benefits!