21 February 2008

I am also very interested in why Mexican Americans are more suseptible to stroke. I looked up a bunch of articles and found one study that showed a much lower average age of Mexican American stroke sufferers to that of non-hispanic whites. They also found a that Mexican Americans were less likely to have graduated high school and more likely to make less than 20K per year, which could have been one explanation for the disproportionate numbers. However, they found no differences in the rate of having a primary care physician! This seems very strange. Has anybody found further research on this?
To answer Kim...I read up on stroke and Pima Indians and did not find any major differences, but I did find some inderesting info reguarding Pima Indians and their decreased SNS response to high fat % and insulin levels, which may account for a lower prevalance of hypertension. Here is a brief overview about it if you are interested.

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