13 September 2007

What is the purpose of this study? CVD & Diabetes

This was a very well executed and performed study about cytokines in CVD and diabetic women. The researchers went into depth about IL-6, TNF-a, and other chemicals. However, I was not sure as to why this study was performed. It is nothing that researchers have not already determined. It has been well known that these chemicals affect inflammatory responses amongst CVD and diabetes.

The researchers did not seem to state a specific reason for undertaking this study other than support the thesis about cytokines and the inflammatory response. I would have liked to read about why they performed this. Like to help cure these diseases or to help find a medicine to help the side affects.

This study did not answer the “so what?” question for myself. At the end of the paper I was left saying “so what?” Why did they write this paper? I am not sure of that. It almost seems as if this paper was written to obtain a grant or research money. There have been plenty of studies, cited in this paper, that have been performed in the past having the same outcomes. I would have liked to see the researchers focus on a new topic or some sort of treatment.


DavidM495 said...

The purpose of this paper could be simply fill in one piece of the puzzle that needs to be completeled before the enigma of diabetes can be solved. Part of the puzzle is funding, therefore, the paper although not as groundbreaking as needed, could provide future opportunities for its writers.

JessicaAr495 said...

Funding is important for a study to be continued, however a published paper should have a greater goal than to earn the necessary funds for their specific research. I am sure that their research could have major benefits, and it would have been nice to hear about the possibilities for progress through their particular line of research.

BrandtL7630 said...

Would you post the original article or reference it for all of us who are in Denver?